/ walking bear:D / 挖化石的小狗


2017-05-18 posted in []

瑪麗·安寧 15個月大時,曾與其他3個人在戶外遭受雷擊,只有她幸運存活下來。她的父親理查是一名櫥櫃工匠,同時也會在萊姆里吉斯的海岸挖掘化石,並販賣收集來的化石給觀光客以貼補家用。…瑪麗的父親死於肺結核,全家頓時失去經濟來源,瑪麗與她的哥哥約瑟開始將收集化石當成全職工作。…瑪麗·安寧的故事被認為是「She sells sea shells by the sea shore」這句繞口令的由來。 The Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs 從這篇文章 The Sky of Gene:25種關鍵化石看生命的演化奇蹟 看到這個故事,讓我眼睛一亮的是瑪麗腳旁的那隻黑白花的小狗 Tray,youtube 有一堆人朗讀這本可愛的書:挖化石的小狗

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Clarke's Three Laws:

  • When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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