/ walking bear:D / 愚人節的網頁整理 20170401

愚人節的網頁整理 20170401

2017-04-01 posted in [筆記]

WebRTC API 是否可以整合到 irc,由 irc 提供 P2P signalling ?

幾篇關於 TensorFlow 的文章: . 李开复的书告诉你,如何给非专业人士讲解什么是深度学习 . TensorFlow上手要点都总结在这儿了,你还有理由偷懒吗? . 深入浅出Tensorflow(三):训练神经网络模型的常用方法

. 2017-05-29_16:40:32 wkliang 20170530 ====== Javascript模板引擎mustache.js详解 Logicless 的 template 很有趣,是否可以結合 mongodb 取代 php + mysql ? Simple JavaScript Inheritance Javscript inheritance 在 ES6 之前有太多實作,John Resig 是 jQuery 的作者,他的文章當然是被諸多 programmer 參考的經典。 Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) 這篇文章討論了 Javascript 的語法:expression 與 statement 之間的差異,順帶解釋之前看到一個有趣的寫法

+function() {} ();

Monkey-Patching, Overriding, and Decorating Methods in JavaScript 猴子補丁是有用的技巧,這篇文章似乎還可以更深入一些。


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Clarke's Three Laws:

  • When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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